Our Blog
The Weak Link in Compliance
Compliance is “the action or fact of acting in accordance with a wish or command.” When it comes to dogs, compliance is our expectation that our dog will do what we tell them to when we tell them to do it. The reality is that it's not that simple.
Loose leash walking: Stop struggling, start engaging.
What we want from our dog is awareness, interest and attention. The leash is the physical manifestation of our connection to each other, but the real connection is invisible. So how do you get those things from your dog?
How we said goodbye to nail trimming nightmares!
If you are an owner that dreads having to get out the clippers or schedule the vet appointment, trust me when I say, I understand where you are coming from. Whether you choose to try an alternate route like I have or you prefer to stick with the tried and true, the most important thing is to work on building a positive association with the tool and the process!
Just Say No To Food Bowls
One of the most under-utilized opportunities for training and enrichment is your dog's meal time. Instead of placing a bowl full of food in front of your dog that they did not have to work for at all, think about that food as potential tasty rewards.